Tuesday, June 2, 2009


One of the things that most beginners and some experienced guitarist failed to realize is taking care of their guitar cables. Taking care of it the proper way will lengthen the cable's life, saving some money from getting new ones. Another thing to note is that if the cables were not taken care properly, there is a high chance that it will fail you during one of your performances.

Here's what some guitarist do to keep their cables:

Notice that the cable is tied. Tying is not a good practice to keep the cable properly. This is because, the wires inside ithe cable is actually being bent and after repeated bendings, it will definitely cause the wire to be broken. So, do not keep your cables this way.

Fig. A: Wrong way to keep guitar cable

This is one of the right way to keep your cables properly. Notice that there isn't any bendings made to the cable. That's because the cable is coiled neatly in a round manner.

Fig. B: Correct way to keep guitar cable

So do keep your cable properly, especially the beginners. Like I said, it is important for starters to concentrate more on the playing instead of wasting money and time on such things.

1 comment:

  1. That's so true I have so often had my old cables getting lost connections and such. Many forget to treat the cables the right way and are folding them as you show.
